Most know how much we love yoga, and how strongly we feel about it being perfectly safe when done right for those with Hypermobility. There are also countless types of yoga, including Restorative Yoga, where you do more laying down, relaxing, and meditating than moving. There’s also Chair Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and much more! Yoga Nidra, a type of meditative yoga practice, is one of my favorite types of yoga by far!

The Restorative Yoga class at The Mindfulness Center during Wellapalooza 2016, which was led by Dr. Norris, had many of us in tears. Restorative Yoga and Yoga, in general, can be incredibly powerful and healing — and it certainly was that day.

In addition to my yoga for hypermobility/Ehlers-Danlos syndrome/Mindfulness for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome program that will be offered in November (series of 4 classes as part of my Seva requirement for Yoga Teacher Certification), below is information on both an adaptive/all-accessible yoga conference by Accessible Yoga, and another endeavor started by Body Positive Yoga and her best friend.11350582_579221962181447_2496065964860379381_n

Read below — and make sure to look for the survey link!

“I am *SO* excited about this project that I’m co-creating with my BFF Genevieve. And I need your help… please read on. 

Genevieve says…

“Yoga has been a part of my life since I was 17. I was dismayed to find out when I became disabled that there were not very many videos to help me further my yoga practice. Many of the chair yoga videos that do exist require you to stand behind the chair or just didn’t resonate with me. 

“If you’re disabled like me, you know that a lot of life just isn’t accessible to you – including most yoga studios and classes. I talked about this with my best friend Amber (a yoga teacher that specializes in adaptive practice for all bodies), and she and I decided that the “spoonie” community needed their very own yoga videos. 

12794642_1154175224601788_4117557018425790504_n“Amber and I are teaming up to create a set of videos for the “spoonies” who want to learn how to move their bodies but don’t know where to start. 

“If you’re interested in this resource, we’d love to know more about you so that we can tailor these videos to what the community needs – please take this short survey and help us make this the best it can be!

Spoonie Yoga Crew, unite!”