Recently, Mast Cell Research held a contest to see who could guess how many total copies of Dr. Lawrence Afrin’s book Never Bet Against Occam: Mast Cell Activation Disease and the Modern Epidemics of Chronic Illness and Medical Complexity‘ have been sold, to celebrate the six month anniversary since it was published. Prize winners were tagged in threads and announced on Mast Cell Research’s Facebook Page. To view, go to

Additionally, we held a contest for Wellapalooza 2016 and announced the winners a while ago. However, we cannot send prizes without addresses! We’ve heard from two people only! If you attended Wellapalooza 2016, please make sure you read this post and email us your address! Please email address to We are shipping on Wednesday! The link to the sponsor raffle prize winners is the first link listed below. 

– Team Wella

Wellapalooza 2016 Sponsor Raffle Prize Winners –

Post-Wellapalooza 2016 Update & Resources –

Wellapalooza 2016 Promo Video –